
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I wish each of you that are a mother a Happy Mother's Day and for those that have their mothers and grandmothers or whatever mother-figure you've had in your life hug them tighter than usual, because I can't do that anymore.

Sorry to be a downer but this is a hard Mother's Day for my family because the Matriarch, my Maw Maw, died April 14 of this year. Even though my Mother had three sisters, Maw Maw was really the last thread I had to my own mother, who died when I was eight, and I just feel so empty and sad. My Mom (step-mother) did the best she could, I suppose, and I guess in the end I was hers, but I just really missed the hugs. Still do.

I guess this melancholy feeling has been with me all week but I had been too busy to notice up until a couple of days ago and so...well.. I don't really know, I just feel empty. If I feel like this I hate to think what my three aunts are feeling like, especially my youngest who was heavily relied upon by my Maw Maw.

Anyway, I hope everyone has wonderful Mother's Day and remember to hug tighter than normal and fill it with love.

1 comment:

fugl said...

Thank you, your post made me think of showing appreciation to my mother anytime... I didn't do anything special on Mother's day.